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Prof. Dr.

Daniel S.


Zürich (CH)


Prof. Dr. Dani­el Tho­ma is the Head of Implan­to­lo­gy and Rege­ne­ra­ti­on at the Cli­nic of Recon­s­truc­ti­ve Den­ti­stry, Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich, Switz­er­land. He gra­dua­ted in 2000 at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Basel, Switz­er­land and was trai­ned in implant den­ti­stry and pro­st­h­odon­ti­cs at the Cli­nic of Recon­s­truc­ti­ve Den­ti­stry, Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich, Switz­er­land. Dr. Tho­ma was the reci­pi­ent of an ITI scho­lar­ship and spent 1 year at the Depart­ment of Peri­odon­ti­cs, Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas, Health Sci­ence Cen­ter, San Anto­nio, USA.  Bet­ween 2008 and 2012, he was a full-time Seni­or Tea­ching and Rese­arch Assistant at the Cli­nic of Recon­s­truc­ti­ve Den­ti­stry at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich, Switz­er­land. In 2016, Dr. Tho­ma was a Visi­ting Asso­cia­te Pro­fes­sor at the Depart­ment of Peri­odon­to­lo­gy, Yons­ei Uni­ver­si­ty, Seo­ul, South Korea. Sin­ce 2020, Dr. Tho­ma is an Adjunct Pro­fes­sor and ser­ves as the Head of Implan­to­lo­gy and Rege­ne­ra­ti­on. His focus is on the com­pre­hen­si­ve tre­at­ment of com­plex, par­ti­al­ly eden­tu­lous pati­ents app­ly­ing all available opti­ons of recon­s­truc­ti­ve den­ti­stry inclu­ding den­tal implants. His main sci­en­ti­fic inte­rest is rela­ted to hard and soft tis­sue rege­ne­ra­ti­on. He has published num­e­rous sci­en­ti­fic and cli­ni­cal artic­les in the­se fields. Dr. Tho­ma is a Fel­low of the Inter­na­tio­nal Team of Implan­to­lo­gy (ITI) and mem­ber of Osteo­lo­gy Expert Coun­cil.


Kei­ne Ein­trä­ge vor­han­den

Prof. Dr.

Daniel S.


Zürich (CH)


Prof. Dr. Dani­el Tho­ma is the Head of Implan­to­lo­gy and Rege­ne­ra­ti­on at the Cli­nic of Recon­s­truc­ti­ve Den­ti­stry, Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich, Switz­er­land. He gra­dua­ted in 2000 at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Basel, Switz­er­land and was trai­ned in implant den­ti­stry and pro­st­h­odon­ti­cs at the Cli­nic of Recon­s­truc­ti­ve Den­ti­stry, Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich, Switz­er­land. Dr. Tho­ma was the reci­pi­ent of an ITI scho­lar­ship and spent 1 year at the Depart­ment of Peri­odon­ti­cs, Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas, Health Sci­ence Cen­ter, San Anto­nio, USA.  Bet­ween 2008 and 2012, he was a full-time Seni­or Tea­ching and Rese­arch Assistant at the Cli­nic of Recon­s­truc­ti­ve Den­ti­stry at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich, Switz­er­land. In 2016, Dr. Tho­ma was a Visi­ting Asso­cia­te Pro­fes­sor at the Depart­ment of Peri­odon­to­lo­gy, Yons­ei Uni­ver­si­ty, Seo­ul, South Korea. Sin­ce 2020, Dr. Tho­ma is an Adjunct Pro­fes­sor and ser­ves as the Head of Implan­to­lo­gy and Rege­ne­ra­ti­on. His focus is on the com­pre­hen­si­ve tre­at­ment of com­plex, par­ti­al­ly eden­tu­lous pati­ents app­ly­ing all available opti­ons of recon­s­truc­ti­ve den­ti­stry inclu­ding den­tal implants. His main sci­en­ti­fic inte­rest is rela­ted to hard and soft tis­sue rege­ne­ra­ti­on. He has published num­e­rous sci­en­ti­fic and cli­ni­cal artic­les in the­se fields. Dr. Tho­ma is a Fel­low of the Inter­na­tio­nal Team of Implan­to­lo­gy (ITI) and mem­ber of Osteo­lo­gy Expert Coun­cil.


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