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MD Dr.





2013–2018 Facul­ty of Medi­ci­ne, Charles Uni­ver­si­ty in Hra­dec Krá­l­o­vé, Depart­ment of Den­ti­stry

Pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence:
While stu­dy­ing at the Facul­ty of Medi­ci­ne, he was inten­si­ve­ly invol­ved in the use of modern tech­no­lo­gies in the field of den­to­alveo­lar sur­gery, den­tal implan­to­lo­gy, pro­sthe­tic and aes­the­tic den­ti­stry
Sin­ce 2010, he has been a regu­lar par­ti­ci­pant in con­gres­ses orga­ni­zed by the DGI (Deut­sche Gesell­schaft für Implan­to­lo­gie) in Ger­ma­ny
Sin­ce 2010, he has been regu­lar­ly invol­ved in the pre­pa­ra­ti­on and orga­niza­ti­on of lec­tures and prac­ti­cal exer­ci­s­es as part of sys­te­ma­tic edu­ca­tio­nal cycles of lec­tures — Cur­ri­cu­lum implan­to­lo­gy of the ČSI (Czech Socie­ty for Implan­to­lo­gy)
In 2010 — intern­ship at the Bio­tech­no­lo­gy Insti­tu­te — Dr. Ani­tua (Vito­ria, Spain) — focu­sing on the use of growth fac­tors in implan­to­lo­gy — the PRGF method
In 2011 — intern­ship at the Insti­tut für Zahn­Ärzt­li­che Fort­bil­dug Dr. Igl­haut (Mem­min­gen, Ger­ma­ny) — Sonic­Weld bone aug­men­ta­ti­on. Soft tis­sue manage­ment
In 2012 — intern­ship Dr. Dogan Kan­ner (Frei­burg, Ger­ma­ny) — Hydro­gel osmo­tic expan­der
In 2014 — intern­ship Insti­tut für Zahn­Ärzt­li­che Fort­bil­dug Dr. Igl­haut (Mem­min­gen, Ger­ma­ny) — Soft tis­sue manage­ment
In 2015 — intern­ship Prof. (Ghent Uni­ver­si­ty, Bel­gi­um) — gui­ded implan­to­lo­gy Cla­ro­Nav — Navi­dent
In 2016 — intern­ship Prof. Karin Huth, Ing. Frank Ber­ling­hof (DSI HUBER Den­tal Sci­ence & Inno­va­ti­on in Munich, Mini­na­vi­dent AG in Basel, CH) — gui­ded implan­to­lo­gy Mini­na­vi­dent — Denacam
Sin­ce 2018 he has been working at HDC Klad­no.
In 2008–2020 he com­ple­ted the Cur­ri­cu­lum of Implan­to­lo­gy of the Czech Den­tal Insti­tu­te — Depart­ment of Den­ti­stry, 3rd Facul­ty of Medi­ci­ne, Charles Uni­ver­si­ty in Pra­gue
Focus of acti­vi­ty — digi­tal implan­to­lo­gy, plan­ning and navi­ga­ti­on, CAD/CAM tech­no­lo­gy

Mem­ber­ship in pro­fes­sio­nal socie­ties:
Sin­ce 2015 mem­ber of the IGZ — Implan­to­lo­gi­sche Gesel­schaft für Zahn­ärz­te
Sin­ce 2016 mem­ber of the DGI — Deut­sche Gesel­schaft für Implan­to­lo­gie — the second lar­gest implan­to­lo­gy socie­ty in the world (6000 mem­bers)
Sin­ce 2010 mem­ber of the Czech Den­tal Insti­tu­te — Czech Implan­to­lo­gy
Sin­ce 2021 mem­ber of the An-Insti­tu­te DTMD Uni­ver­si­ty Luxem­bourg

Vor­trä­ge | Pos­ter



HDC Klad­no
Slans­ka 1525

MD Dr.





HDC Klad­no
Slans­ka 1525


2013–2018 Facul­ty of Medi­ci­ne, Charles Uni­ver­si­ty in Hra­dec Krá­l­o­vé, Depart­ment of Den­ti­stry

Pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence:
While stu­dy­ing at the Facul­ty of Medi­ci­ne, he was inten­si­ve­ly invol­ved in the use of modern tech­no­lo­gies in the field of den­to­alveo­lar sur­gery, den­tal implan­to­lo­gy, pro­sthe­tic and aes­the­tic den­ti­stry
Sin­ce 2010, he has been a regu­lar par­ti­ci­pant in con­gres­ses orga­ni­zed by the DGI (Deut­sche Gesell­schaft für Implan­to­lo­gie) in Ger­ma­ny
Sin­ce 2010, he has been regu­lar­ly invol­ved in the pre­pa­ra­ti­on and orga­niza­ti­on of lec­tures and prac­ti­cal exer­ci­s­es as part of sys­te­ma­tic edu­ca­tio­nal cycles of lec­tures — Cur­ri­cu­lum implan­to­lo­gy of the ČSI (Czech Socie­ty for Implan­to­lo­gy)
In 2010 — intern­ship at the Bio­tech­no­lo­gy Insti­tu­te — Dr. Ani­tua (Vito­ria, Spain) — focu­sing on the use of growth fac­tors in implan­to­lo­gy — the PRGF method
In 2011 — intern­ship at the Insti­tut für Zahn­Ärzt­li­che Fort­bil­dug Dr. Igl­haut (Mem­min­gen, Ger­ma­ny) — Sonic­Weld bone aug­men­ta­ti­on. Soft tis­sue manage­ment
In 2012 — intern­ship Dr. Dogan Kan­ner (Frei­burg, Ger­ma­ny) — Hydro­gel osmo­tic expan­der
In 2014 — intern­ship Insti­tut für Zahn­Ärzt­li­che Fort­bil­dug Dr. Igl­haut (Mem­min­gen, Ger­ma­ny) — Soft tis­sue manage­ment
In 2015 — intern­ship Prof. (Ghent Uni­ver­si­ty, Bel­gi­um) — gui­ded implan­to­lo­gy Cla­ro­Nav — Navi­dent
In 2016 — intern­ship Prof. Karin Huth, Ing. Frank Ber­ling­hof (DSI HUBER Den­tal Sci­ence & Inno­va­ti­on in Munich, Mini­na­vi­dent AG in Basel, CH) — gui­ded implan­to­lo­gy Mini­na­vi­dent — Denacam
Sin­ce 2018 he has been working at HDC Klad­no.
In 2008–2020 he com­ple­ted the Cur­ri­cu­lum of Implan­to­lo­gy of the Czech Den­tal Insti­tu­te — Depart­ment of Den­ti­stry, 3rd Facul­ty of Medi­ci­ne, Charles Uni­ver­si­ty in Pra­gue
Focus of acti­vi­ty — digi­tal implan­to­lo­gy, plan­ning and navi­ga­ti­on, CAD/CAM tech­no­lo­gy

Mem­ber­ship in pro­fes­sio­nal socie­ties:
Sin­ce 2015 mem­ber of the IGZ — Implan­to­lo­gi­sche Gesel­schaft für Zahn­ärz­te
Sin­ce 2016 mem­ber of the DGI — Deut­sche Gesel­schaft für Implan­to­lo­gie — the second lar­gest implan­to­lo­gy socie­ty in the world (6000 mem­bers)
Sin­ce 2010 mem­ber of the Czech Den­tal Insti­tu­te — Czech Implan­to­lo­gy
Sin­ce 2021 mem­ber of the An-Insti­tu­te DTMD Uni­ver­si­ty Luxem­bourg


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