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Ceeneena Ubaidha


Graz (AT)


Schul- und Berufs­bil­dung
09/ 2021 – bis dato Mas­ter of Sci­ence Ästhe­tisch-Rekon­struk­ti­ve Zahn­me­di­zin; Danu­be Pri­va­te Uni­ver­si­ty, Krems

10/ 2019 — 12/2020 Deutsch Sprach­kurs (Voll­zeit)

04/2013 — 10/2019 Nostri­fi­ka­ti­on der Zahn­me­di­zin; (Diplom­ar­beit “Kaf­fee­säu­re­phen­ethyl­es­ter redu­ziert die Entzündung in Makro­pha­gen”); Medi­zi­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Wien, Öster­reich

03/2011 — 10/2017
Dok­to­rats­stu­di­um der ange­wand­ten medi­zi­ni­schen Wis­sen­schaft (The­sis “Behand­lungs-Pro­to­kol­le in der den­tal Implan­to­lo­gie: Ver­gleich der Kli­ni­schen Anwen­dung und Behand­lung sowie eine Trend­ana­ly­se”); Medi­zi­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Wien, Öster­reich

01/2011 — 08/2011 Deutsch- Sprach­kurs; Goe­the-Insti­tut, Chen­nai, Indi­en

09/2009 — 09/2010 Obli­ga­to­ri­sche rota­to­ri­sche Prak­ti­kum; Cen­tu­ry Inter­na­tio­nal insti­tu­te of Den­tal sci­ence and Rese­arch Cent­re, Kann­ur Uni­ver­si­tät, Indi­en

09/2004 — 05/2009 Stu­di­um der Zahn­me­di­zin (BDS); Uni­ver­si­tät Kann­ur, Indi­en

06/2001 — 03/2003 Reifeprüfung; Abtei­lung für höhe­re Sekundarprüfung, Regie­rung von Kera­la, Indi­en

03/2001 Sekun­dar­schul­ab­schluss; Abtei­lung für All­ge­mein­bil­dung, Regie­rung von Kera­la, Indi­en

Beruf­li­che Erfah­run­gen
10/2021- bis dato Uni­ver­si­tä­re Zahn­ärz­tin; Uni­ver­si­täts­kli­nik für Zahn­me­di­zin und Mund­ge­sund­heit, Kli­ni­sche Abtei­lung für Zahn­erhal­tung, Par­odon­to­lo­gie und Zahn­ersatz­kun­de; Medi­zi­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Graz, Öster­reich

08/2011 — 04/2012
Zahn­ärz­tin; Fat­hi­ma Den­tal Cli­nic & Orth­odon­tic Cent­re, Kan­ji­ra­pal­ly, Indi­en

10/2010 — 01/2011
Zahn­ärz­tin; Fat­hi­ma Den­tal Cli­nic & Orth­odon­tic Cent­re, Kan­ji­ra­pal­ly, Indi­en


Deutsch (C1)

Inter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Oral Sci­ence, 11(1): 6, Caff­eic acid phen­ethyl ester pro­tects peri­odon­tal cells from oxi­da­tive stress and dam­pers inflamm­a­ti­on via the heme oxygenase‑1 pathway. Stäh­li A, Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Strauss F, Eick S, Scu­lean A, Gru­ber R.

Den­ti­stry Jour­nal, 4(2): 13, Hot Topics in Cli­ni­cal Oral Implants Rese­arch: Recent Trends in Lite­ra­tu­re Covera­ge. Vese­la Val­ko­va, Cee­nee­na Ubai­d­ha Maheen, Bern­hard Pom­mer, Xia­o­hui Rausch-Fan, Rudolf See­mann.

Cli­ni­cal Implant Den­ti­stry and Rela­ted Rese­arch, 18(4): 850–6, Sci­en­ti­fic Inte­rests of 21st Cen­tu­ry Cli­ni­cal Oral Implant Rese­arch: Topi­cal Trend Ana­ly­sis. Bern­hard Pom­mer, Vese­la Val­ko­va, Cee­nee­na Ubai­d­ha Maheen, Lukas Fürhauser, Xia­o­hui Rausch-Fan, Rudolf See­man.

10/2022 Annu­al Sci­en­ti­ti­fic Mee­ting of the Euro­pean Asso­cia­ti­on for Osseo­in­te­gra­ti­on (EAO 2022), Gen­e­va Cemen­ted vs. Screw-retai­ned sin­gle implant crown in the maxil­la: up to 11 years fol­low-up. Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Thei­sen K, Stey­er E, Loren­zo­ni M.

10/2022 Annu­al Sci­en­ti­ti­fic Mee­ting of the Euro­pean Asso­cia­ti­on
for Osseo­in­te­gra­ti­on (EAO 2022), Gen­e­va Cli­ni­cal Out­co­me of Abut­ments made of Ti, ZrO2 and PMMA — a ran­do­mi­zed pilot stu­dy Thei­sen K, Stey­er E, Aref­nia B, Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Loren­zo­ni M

10/2018 27th Annu­al Sci­en­ti­ti­fic Mee­ting of the Euro­pean Asso­cia­ti­on for Osseo­in­te­gra­ti­on (EAO), Aus­tria Caff­eic acid phen­ethyl ester pro­tects from oxi­da­tive stress and dam­pers inflamm­a­ti­on via the heme oxy­ge­na­se 1. Stäh­li A, Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Strauss F, Gru­ber R.

CED-IADR/NOF Oral Health Rese­arch Con­gress, Vien­na, Caff­eic acid phen­ethyl ester pro­tects peri­odon­tal cells from oxi­da­tive stress and dam­pers inflamm­a­ti­on via the heme oxygenase‑1 pathway. Stäh­li A, Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Strauss F, Gru­ber R.

6/2017 13th PhD Sym­po­si­um of the Medi­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na, Rela­ti­on bet­ween various implant tre­at­ment pro­to­cols on long-term sur­vi­val ana­ly­sis and risk fac­tors: a retro­s­pec­ti­ve stu­dy. Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Rausch-Fan X, See­mann R, Pom­mer B.

6/2017 13th PhD Sym­po­si­um of the Medi­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na, Trends in cli­ni­cal oral implant rese­arch: sys­te­ma­ti­cal review and cli­ni­cal ana­ly­sis Val­ko­va V, Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Pom­mer B, Rausch-Fan X, See­man R.

5/2017 44th Euro­pean Cal­ci­fied Tis­sue Socie­ty Con­gress, Salz­burg, Caff­eic acid phen­ethyl ester pro­tects peri­odon­tal cells from oxi­da­tive stress and dam­per inflamm­a­ti­on via heme oxygenase‑1 Stäh­li A, Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Strauss F, Gru­ber R.

06/2015 11th PhD Sym­po­si­um of the Medi­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na, Sci­en­ti­fic inte­rests of 21st cen­tu­ry cli­ni­cal oral implants rese­arch: topi­cal trend ana­ly­sis. Val­ko­va V, Pom­mer B,Ubaidha Maheen C, Fürhauser L, Rausch-Fan X, See­man R.

06/2015 11th PhD Sym­po­si­um of the Medi­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na, 6‑Digit Implant Tre­at­ment Pro­to­col Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on (ITPC): Appli­ca­ti­on and Sys­te­ma­tic Review of Sci­en­ti­fic Lite­ra­tu­re. Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Val­ko­va V, See­mann R, Rausch-Fan X, Wat­zek G, Haas R, Busen­lech­ner D, Fürhauser R, Mailath-Pokor­ny G & Pom­mer B.

12/2014 Penn Endo Glo­bal Sym­po­si­um, Vien­na, Aus­tria Impact of Peri­a­pi­cal Peri­odon­ti­tis on the Decis­i­on Towards imme­dia­te vs. Late Implant Pla­ce­ment: Tre­at­ment Trends in the Lite­ra­tu­re 2001–2012. Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Val­ko­va V, Busen­lech­ner D, Haas R, Wat­zek G, Fürhauser R, Mailath G & Pom­mer B.

Mündliche Vor­trä­ge

12/2017 26th Annu­al Sci­en­ti­fic Mee­ting of the Euro­pean Asso­cia­ti­on for Osseo­in­te­gra­ti­on (EAO), Spain Com­pa­ri­son of 1st implant vs. reimplants after implant fail­ure: a 5‑year fol­low-up inves­ti­ga­ti­on. R Hass, D Busen­lech­ner, R Fürhauser, G Wat­zek, G Mailath- Pokor­ny, CU Maheen, B Pom­mer.

9/2017 Jah­res­ta­gung der Deut­schen Gesell­schaft für Par­odon­to­lo­gie (DG PARO), Dres­den, Ger­ma­ny Kaf­f­ein­säu­re Phen­ethyl­es­ter schtützt vor oxi­da­tiv­em
Scha­den und wirkt entzündungshemmend. Stäh­li A, Ubai­d­ha maheen C, Struss F, Gru­ber R.

06/2016 12th PhD Sym­po­si­um of the Medi­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na, Cli­ni­cal com­pa­ri­son of tre­at­ment moda­li­ties in case of 1st implan­ta­ti­on ver­sus reimplan­ta­ti­on: a 3‑year fol­low-up inves­ti­ga­ti­on. Ubai­d­ha Maheen, C, See­mann, R, Rausch-Fan, X, Wat­zek G, Mailath-Pokor­ny, G, Haas R, Busen­lech­ner D, Fürhauser R, Pom­mer B.

Sci­en­ti­fic Mee­ting of the Ger­man Socie­ty of Implan­to­lo­gy (DGI), the Aus­tri­an Socie­ty of Implan­to­lo­gy (ÖGI), and the Swiss Socie­ty of Implan­to­lo­gy (SGI), Vien­na, AT 6‑Digit Implant Tre­at­ment Pro­to­col Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on (ITPC): 5 Appli­ca­ti­on and Sys­te­ma­tic Review of Sci­en­ti­fic Lite­ra­tu­re. Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Val­ko­va V, Wat­zek G, Fürhauser R, Mailath Pokor­ny G, Pom­mer B


2019 SSP-GABA-Award 2019 (Mit­au­torin)


Kei­ne Ein­trä­ge vor­han­den


Bill­roth­gas­se 4

Ceeneena Ubaidha


Graz (AT)


Bill­roth­gas­se 4


Schul- und Berufs­bil­dung
09/ 2021 – bis dato Mas­ter of Sci­ence Ästhe­tisch-Rekon­struk­ti­ve Zahn­me­di­zin; Danu­be Pri­va­te Uni­ver­si­ty, Krems

10/ 2019 — 12/2020 Deutsch Sprach­kurs (Voll­zeit)

04/2013 — 10/2019 Nostri­fi­ka­ti­on der Zahn­me­di­zin; (Diplom­ar­beit “Kaf­fee­säu­re­phen­ethyl­es­ter redu­ziert die Entzündung in Makro­pha­gen”); Medi­zi­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Wien, Öster­reich

03/2011 — 10/2017
Dok­to­rats­stu­di­um der ange­wand­ten medi­zi­ni­schen Wis­sen­schaft (The­sis “Behand­lungs-Pro­to­kol­le in der den­tal Implan­to­lo­gie: Ver­gleich der Kli­ni­schen Anwen­dung und Behand­lung sowie eine Trend­ana­ly­se”); Medi­zi­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Wien, Öster­reich

01/2011 — 08/2011 Deutsch- Sprach­kurs; Goe­the-Insti­tut, Chen­nai, Indi­en

09/2009 — 09/2010 Obli­ga­to­ri­sche rota­to­ri­sche Prak­ti­kum; Cen­tu­ry Inter­na­tio­nal insti­tu­te of Den­tal sci­ence and Rese­arch Cent­re, Kann­ur Uni­ver­si­tät, Indi­en

09/2004 — 05/2009 Stu­di­um der Zahn­me­di­zin (BDS); Uni­ver­si­tät Kann­ur, Indi­en

06/2001 — 03/2003 Reifeprüfung; Abtei­lung für höhe­re Sekundarprüfung, Regie­rung von Kera­la, Indi­en

03/2001 Sekun­dar­schul­ab­schluss; Abtei­lung für All­ge­mein­bil­dung, Regie­rung von Kera­la, Indi­en

Beruf­li­che Erfah­run­gen
10/2021- bis dato Uni­ver­si­tä­re Zahn­ärz­tin; Uni­ver­si­täts­kli­nik für Zahn­me­di­zin und Mund­ge­sund­heit, Kli­ni­sche Abtei­lung für Zahn­erhal­tung, Par­odon­to­lo­gie und Zahn­ersatz­kun­de; Medi­zi­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Graz, Öster­reich

08/2011 — 04/2012
Zahn­ärz­tin; Fat­hi­ma Den­tal Cli­nic & Orth­odon­tic Cent­re, Kan­ji­ra­pal­ly, Indi­en

10/2010 — 01/2011
Zahn­ärz­tin; Fat­hi­ma Den­tal Cli­nic & Orth­odon­tic Cent­re, Kan­ji­ra­pal­ly, Indi­en


Deutsch (C1)

Inter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Oral Sci­ence, 11(1): 6, Caff­eic acid phen­ethyl ester pro­tects peri­odon­tal cells from oxi­da­tive stress and dam­pers inflamm­a­ti­on via the heme oxygenase‑1 pathway. Stäh­li A, Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Strauss F, Eick S, Scu­lean A, Gru­ber R.

Den­ti­stry Jour­nal, 4(2): 13, Hot Topics in Cli­ni­cal Oral Implants Rese­arch: Recent Trends in Lite­ra­tu­re Covera­ge. Vese­la Val­ko­va, Cee­nee­na Ubai­d­ha Maheen, Bern­hard Pom­mer, Xia­o­hui Rausch-Fan, Rudolf See­mann.

Cli­ni­cal Implant Den­ti­stry and Rela­ted Rese­arch, 18(4): 850–6, Sci­en­ti­fic Inte­rests of 21st Cen­tu­ry Cli­ni­cal Oral Implant Rese­arch: Topi­cal Trend Ana­ly­sis. Bern­hard Pom­mer, Vese­la Val­ko­va, Cee­nee­na Ubai­d­ha Maheen, Lukas Fürhauser, Xia­o­hui Rausch-Fan, Rudolf See­man.

10/2022 Annu­al Sci­en­ti­ti­fic Mee­ting of the Euro­pean Asso­cia­ti­on for Osseo­in­te­gra­ti­on (EAO 2022), Gen­e­va Cemen­ted vs. Screw-retai­ned sin­gle implant crown in the maxil­la: up to 11 years fol­low-up. Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Thei­sen K, Stey­er E, Loren­zo­ni M.

10/2022 Annu­al Sci­en­ti­ti­fic Mee­ting of the Euro­pean Asso­cia­ti­on
for Osseo­in­te­gra­ti­on (EAO 2022), Gen­e­va Cli­ni­cal Out­co­me of Abut­ments made of Ti, ZrO2 and PMMA — a ran­do­mi­zed pilot stu­dy Thei­sen K, Stey­er E, Aref­nia B, Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Loren­zo­ni M

10/2018 27th Annu­al Sci­en­ti­ti­fic Mee­ting of the Euro­pean Asso­cia­ti­on for Osseo­in­te­gra­ti­on (EAO), Aus­tria Caff­eic acid phen­ethyl ester pro­tects from oxi­da­tive stress and dam­pers inflamm­a­ti­on via the heme oxy­ge­na­se 1. Stäh­li A, Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Strauss F, Gru­ber R.

CED-IADR/NOF Oral Health Rese­arch Con­gress, Vien­na, Caff­eic acid phen­ethyl ester pro­tects peri­odon­tal cells from oxi­da­tive stress and dam­pers inflamm­a­ti­on via the heme oxygenase‑1 pathway. Stäh­li A, Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Strauss F, Gru­ber R.

6/2017 13th PhD Sym­po­si­um of the Medi­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na, Rela­ti­on bet­ween various implant tre­at­ment pro­to­cols on long-term sur­vi­val ana­ly­sis and risk fac­tors: a retro­s­pec­ti­ve stu­dy. Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Rausch-Fan X, See­mann R, Pom­mer B.

6/2017 13th PhD Sym­po­si­um of the Medi­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na, Trends in cli­ni­cal oral implant rese­arch: sys­te­ma­ti­cal review and cli­ni­cal ana­ly­sis Val­ko­va V, Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Pom­mer B, Rausch-Fan X, See­man R.

5/2017 44th Euro­pean Cal­ci­fied Tis­sue Socie­ty Con­gress, Salz­burg, Caff­eic acid phen­ethyl ester pro­tects peri­odon­tal cells from oxi­da­tive stress and dam­per inflamm­a­ti­on via heme oxygenase‑1 Stäh­li A, Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Strauss F, Gru­ber R.

06/2015 11th PhD Sym­po­si­um of the Medi­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na, Sci­en­ti­fic inte­rests of 21st cen­tu­ry cli­ni­cal oral implants rese­arch: topi­cal trend ana­ly­sis. Val­ko­va V, Pom­mer B,Ubaidha Maheen C, Fürhauser L, Rausch-Fan X, See­man R.

06/2015 11th PhD Sym­po­si­um of the Medi­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na, 6‑Digit Implant Tre­at­ment Pro­to­col Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on (ITPC): Appli­ca­ti­on and Sys­te­ma­tic Review of Sci­en­ti­fic Lite­ra­tu­re. Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Val­ko­va V, See­mann R, Rausch-Fan X, Wat­zek G, Haas R, Busen­lech­ner D, Fürhauser R, Mailath-Pokor­ny G & Pom­mer B.

12/2014 Penn Endo Glo­bal Sym­po­si­um, Vien­na, Aus­tria Impact of Peri­a­pi­cal Peri­odon­ti­tis on the Decis­i­on Towards imme­dia­te vs. Late Implant Pla­ce­ment: Tre­at­ment Trends in the Lite­ra­tu­re 2001–2012. Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Val­ko­va V, Busen­lech­ner D, Haas R, Wat­zek G, Fürhauser R, Mailath G & Pom­mer B.

Mündliche Vor­trä­ge

12/2017 26th Annu­al Sci­en­ti­fic Mee­ting of the Euro­pean Asso­cia­ti­on for Osseo­in­te­gra­ti­on (EAO), Spain Com­pa­ri­son of 1st implant vs. reimplants after implant fail­ure: a 5‑year fol­low-up inves­ti­ga­ti­on. R Hass, D Busen­lech­ner, R Fürhauser, G Wat­zek, G Mailath- Pokor­ny, CU Maheen, B Pom­mer.

9/2017 Jah­res­ta­gung der Deut­schen Gesell­schaft für Par­odon­to­lo­gie (DG PARO), Dres­den, Ger­ma­ny Kaf­f­ein­säu­re Phen­ethyl­es­ter schtützt vor oxi­da­tiv­em
Scha­den und wirkt entzündungshemmend. Stäh­li A, Ubai­d­ha maheen C, Struss F, Gru­ber R.

06/2016 12th PhD Sym­po­si­um of the Medi­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na, Cli­ni­cal com­pa­ri­son of tre­at­ment moda­li­ties in case of 1st implan­ta­ti­on ver­sus reimplan­ta­ti­on: a 3‑year fol­low-up inves­ti­ga­ti­on. Ubai­d­ha Maheen, C, See­mann, R, Rausch-Fan, X, Wat­zek G, Mailath-Pokor­ny, G, Haas R, Busen­lech­ner D, Fürhauser R, Pom­mer B.

Sci­en­ti­fic Mee­ting of the Ger­man Socie­ty of Implan­to­lo­gy (DGI), the Aus­tri­an Socie­ty of Implan­to­lo­gy (ÖGI), and the Swiss Socie­ty of Implan­to­lo­gy (SGI), Vien­na, AT 6‑Digit Implant Tre­at­ment Pro­to­col Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on (ITPC): 5 Appli­ca­ti­on and Sys­te­ma­tic Review of Sci­en­ti­fic Lite­ra­tu­re. Ubai­d­ha Maheen C, Val­ko­va V, Wat­zek G, Fürhauser R, Mailath Pokor­ny G, Pom­mer B


2019 SSP-GABA-Award 2019 (Mit­au­torin)


Kei­ne Ein­trä­ge vor­han­den